License your videos to the world’s media.

Monetising made easy

Upload a video and start earning money every time a media company uses your video.

Used by the world’s biggest media

How does it work?

You upload your video

We share it with our buyers

You get paid for every purchase

Why choose Newsflare?


You’ll always retain copyright of your videos.


We’ll work tirelessly to protect you against unauthorised usage.


You’ll always know who buys your videos.


We’ll work with you to get more money from your videos.

Frequently asked questions.

  • Licensing is when you give permission to another party to use and/or earn money from that piece of work.

    At Newsflare, when you licence with us - you always retain ownership over the video.

  • This is dependent on how your video is used. Typically you’ll earn around £25-£100 for your video, however, if it proves particularly popular you could earn over £1,000.

  • Absolutely. You will always retain ownership of your video when you license with us.

  • That depends on which of our buyers licenses it. Your video could appear on online publishers, social media channels or it may even end up in a brand’s advertising campaign, television show or film.

Get in touch by sending the team a message, or read our filmer guides.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

What videos are buyers looking for?

Increase your chances to earn by responding to requests for specific videos by interested buyers from around the world.

Extreme Weather

Have you come face to face with extreme weather conditions? Upload it to our video brief.

Heartwarming Reunions

Whether it’s a surprised child or an over-excited pup, a reunion video is sure to make even the hardest of us shed a tear.

Super Human Moments

Captured a moment of super human brilliance? Or, did you catch an epic rescue as it happened?

Master your skills.

From licensing guides and monthly insights, to buyer profiles, our filmer-focused blog has everything you need to take your videos to the next level.

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