September 2023: A Month in Review

With the arrival of the Autumn months, Newsflare's UGC continues to reach across the globe, making an impact in the online world with our stories, viral hits, and breaking news footage. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, entertainment, or a touch of the unexpected, September’s best-selling UGC is sure to leave you in awe. So sit back and discover the filmers that have been taking over Newsflare this month.

A royal encounter

This remarkable footage, captured by Andrew McAvoy, shows himself and his fellow bikers having a candid conversation with King Charles III, who was taking a stroll through the countryside of Balmoral. In classic British fashion, the conversation centred around how dismal the weather was. As both parties continued on their way, King Charles III joked, "Take are, don't fall off”. McAvoy told Newsflare that “the man was clearly very passionate about nature, the estate and the local people”, and he felt like he got an insight into what the King is really like, “away from all the formalities and traditions that normally accompany him”.

Filmed by Macatron86


A trip to the circus

This dramatic footage filmed in Jinzhong City in Shanxi Province, shows two motorcycles crashing during a performance inside a steel globe, causing the cage to be consumed in flames. As panic spread, the audience rapidly evacuated. One of the riders plummeted to the ground but the other motorcycle performer continued his dizzying ride on the cage walls. Swiftly, the crew on the ground retrieved fire extinguishers to combat the blaze. Within a tense 20 seconds, an emergency door at the base of the cage was opened, allowing the fallen performer to scramble out, as the fire was successfully extinguished. The injured performer was hurriedly carried to safety by the bystanders. The performer suffered abrasions on his leg and arm but luckily was not in life-threatening condition.

Filmed by China-recorder


A once in a lifetime experience

A group of lucky boaters captured the stunning scene as a pod of dolphins glided through bioluminescent waves off the coast of Newport Beach, California. The footage recorded on September 12 shows trails of glowing algae streaming behind the marine mammals as they cut through the waves. The filmer said: "There has been an incredible bioluminescent algae bloom off the coast of Southern California for the last few weeks. Some lucky boaters found dolphins and fish glowing brightly at night."

Filmed by Visual_Burrito


Too close for comfort

This shocking footage of a lion suddenly attacking a tamer during a circus performance was filmed in Dongning City in Heilongjiang Province on September 22. According to eyewitnesses, "When the two lions were released, a male lion came out first and circled the female lion. At that moment, both lions were together, and the keeper had to intervene with a stick to separate them. The male lion then turned on the tamer, causing chaos in the cage, and frightened spectators fled."

Filmed by China-Recorder


Spider-girl goes viral

This girl was seen using the corner of a living room wall to perch herself just below the ceiling, suspended in the air. With her legs pressed firmly against the wall corners, she sat cross-legged and gazed intently at her favourite show. As if this wasn't surprising enough, she even rested her hands comfortably in her lap, looking like a scene straight out of a Spider-Man movie. The child's mother, Ms Ding, spoke about the jaw-dropping incident. "She's always been a cheeky one, fearless from a young age," said Ding.

Filmed by China-Recorder

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October 2023: A Month in Review


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