Why integrate user-generated content into your strategy? 10 UGC stats that you need to know

User-generated content continues to prove itself to be a powerful tool for many businesses, promoting authenticity and trustworthiness in a world that demands more and more transparency.

UGC has the power to shape brand perceptions and boost marketing efforts, but what are the numbers behind it? Why should you consider embracing UGC as a fundamental component of your strategy? We’ve gathered some UGC statistics to help you understand the importance and impact of user-generated content.

  • UGC is 35% more memorable than traditional content (Search Logistics)

  • Consumers on average spend 5.4 hours per day with user-generated content (Everyone Social)

  • Social media campaigns incorporating UGC get a whopping 50% more engagement (Search Logistics)

  • 60% of consumers believe that UGC is the most authentic marketing content (Stakla)

  • Consumers are 2.4x more likely to say user-generated content is authentic compared to brand-created content (Stakla)

  • More than 30% of millennials have unfollowed a brand due to inauthentic content (Stakla)

  • 87% of businesses are using UGC in some form to share more authentic content with their target audience (Search Logistics)

  • Video gets 12 times more engagement than any other type of UGC (Grand View Research)

  • 35% of the Gen Z audience believes that UGC will become more credible than any form of brand content (Meetanshi)

  • Millennials trust UGC 50% more than original content generated by brands (Everyone Social)

Get started with your UGC journey today with Newsflare


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